Monday 21 January 2013


The excitement about my year in Disney has steadily increased as I have gotten closer to my start date! I fly out this upcoming Saturday at 6am! IT’S THIS WEEK!!!!!! It’s still seems strange to think that I will be living in Florida as of this Saturday, 5 days from now!

I have kept busy this whole month prepping for Disney, but I have also had some Disney-themed fun before my departure. The weekend of January 11th-13th I travelled to Waterloo, Ontario and spent a ridiculously fun Disney weekend with Leah and Laura, who will be starting in Food and Beverage in the Canadian pavilion on March 5th and April 9th, respectively.

Our Disney weekend consisted of catching up, making plans for the super exciting year at Disney that we would be sharing together (Once Upon A Time Tea Parties!!!!!!!!!), Laura and I being very Canadian about taking turns in the front seat of Leah’s car, eating FAR too much, my being distracted by the Broncos and Ravens playoff game while at dinner (sorry again!), all of us crying for three solid hours while watching Les Miserables, and playing five different Disney board games. Leah showed off her awesome drawing skills at Disney Pictionary and had some fun solving The Sword and the Stone puzzle in Disney Wheel of Fortune (Yay Leah!) All in all, the weekend was a SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!

This past Friday I had one last get together with fellow Wendy’s employees. I have worked at Wendy’s for the past six years with the exception of two separate eight month periods where I was away at university. I have officially finished working at Wendy’s as of January 9th and I wanted to try to see as many people as possible before I left. On Friday we went to East Side Mario’s for a big group dinner! There were 20 of us there, making for quite the group for the servers to deal with! I got several presents from my lovely Wendy’s friends, including a card and a shirt signed by most Wendy’s employees. For those of you reading this, thank you so very much for the presents! I really do appreciate it! In addition, one of my managers, Eve, made me a beautiful and delicious Disney-themed cake!!!!!!!

The cake was fantastic and was a great way to end the dinner. I really want to thank everyone for the time and effort put into the preparations for the dinner. It really made for a magical dinner and I’m so lucky to have such amazing friends! Thank you all!!!!!!

After the dinner, a number of us made our way to Retro Planet in Barrie to play laser tag! We managed to get the laser tag area just to ourselves both times that we played, which made it so much more fun. We didn’t have to play against any strangers and could get incredibly competitive with each other. I was on the Red Team both times that we played and we won both times (sorry Blue Team!) I also managed to get the overall highest score the second time we played!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! That was super awesome!

After laser tag, we all proceeded to play the token arcade games until the place closed. My friend Weslee and I had an air hockey tournament and I won two games to one (sorry Weslee, we’ll have our rematch at some point!) We cashed in our tokens and I got a sparkly Disney princess colouring set (I thought it was appropriate!) It was a fantastic night!

Apart from my preparations and Disney-themed gatherings, I have been thinking a lot about what I am most looking forward to in the next two weeks. I am so excited to get my Disney name tag! I can’t wait to see my name and home town on there. I think that’s when it will really hit home with me. I am also excited about getting my lumberjack costume. I’m really looking forward to wearing it and representing Canada! I really can’t wait for Traditions. I’ll get to go to Disney University and experience something that not many people can actually say they have. I think that I am most looking forward to meeting everyone though! This includes everyone who is already there, everyone that will be starting on the same date as me, and everyone who will be coming after. This will be such an amazing experience and will give me the opportunity to expand my horizons. I am so lucky that it will all be happening so soon!

Currently Listening to: “Time Capsules” by Misser from the album Every Day I Tell Myself That I’m Going To Be A Better Person

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